Thursday, September 4, 2014

What is "The Gainz of Life"

The term "gainz", a spiced up take on the word gains,  is popular amongst the fitness world, used by weight lifters as a reference to muscle building. For the determined gym rat the pursuit for gains is less of a hobby and more of a lifestyle. We eat, sleep, breathe, and live in such a manner that will further assist in sculpting our bodies into the nearly perfect image we work day after day to achieve.

We must not limit the definition of gainz to a simple gain in muscle size and strength. The gainz are all around us. We push our limits at the gym, we try a heavier weight, we go for one more rep, all in hopes that we increase our PR (Personal Record). Gainz aren't just made in the gym, they are made any time we attempt to become better at any single act. I want to read faster, well then I read more. I want to make more money, so I work harder. I want to be smarter, so I study more. Our gainz are our improvements, we work to achieve a goal and we never stop because there is always room for improvement, there is always room for gainz.

I made the decision to become a fitter/ healthier person sometime in the summer of 2013, this proved to be the best decision of my life. I officially joined a gym August 2013. Training with my brother, he himself already having two years of experience with weightlifting proved to be an astounding and capable trainer. Since then I have become noticeably more confident in my self and a much happier person. In other words the gainz have been good to me. Thus I have found it to be my duty to spread the joys of not only the fitness lifestyle, but the Gainz lifestlye as well. The Gainz of Life will include progress with my pursuit for fitness gainz, my pursuit to better myself, along with my take on all things gainz related.

Until next time, remember...There is always room for gainz.

1 comment:

  1. Good for you! As you grow older, an active lifestyle is more important than ever! Regular exercise can help boost energy, maintain your independence, and manage symptoms of pain. Exercise can even reverse some of the symptoms of aging. And not only is exercise good for your body, it’s also good for your mind, mood, and memory. Whether you are generally healthy or are managing an illness, there are plenty of ways to get more active, improve confidence, and boost your fitness. If you dread working out, it’s time for a mental makeover. Consider physical activity part of your lifestyle instead of a bothersome task to check off your “to do” list!
