Friday, September 19, 2014

Keep Dreamin

After a fun trip to the mall with my sister the car ride back to the apartment became somewhat philosophical, some real talk homie... anyways. She asked me what my biggest goal in life was, the nature of the question threw me off. I have many goals, I wouldn't know how to determine which were more important to me. My dream of owning my own business, my dream of having a studio(separate from another business), the one where I own a small house in the burbs with a few of my all-time favorite cars, or the one where I invest in other peoples businesses, and the list goes on. I couldn't decide because in my mind none of these dreams can exist without another, they are dependent of one another. At least I couldn't decide until I remembered my all time craziest dream.
One day I hope to rent the house where Tony Montana(played by Al Pacino) lived in. I want to rent the famous California mini mansion for one weekend and have a huge nerf gun war (maybe re-enact the ending to Scarface...oh don't snort the pile of flour guys it's just for show). If you can't tell by now, yes, Scarface is one of my favorite movies.
I decided this was my biggest dream because it's the most ridiculous of all of them and it seems the least likely to happen. But that's okay, it's okay to dream big and ridiculously. We need something to chase after, to keep us going. If my biggest dream was for me to live in an apartment, attend a few years of community college, and work a dead end job where I'm just some company's bitch I would have been set a year ago. But that's not what life is about...that's not what the gainz are about. So keep dreaming and keep chasing those dreams, whatever they are. If in forty years I find that I failed at all my dreams, well at least I will have tried while most others would have given up, played it safe, and never accomplished any of theirs as well. We really have nothing to lose from our pursuit for our dreams, because the worst case scenario we end up with what we started.
Till next time, keep dreaming everyone.

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